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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 4, 2013 9:20am-11:01am EDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ imus in the morning >> call it maximum pain shut down edition. i'm charles payne, stuart will be back monday. today here is the big story. everything from the national
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parks, the national monuments, closed. the feds won't let the state of arizona pay to keep the grand canyon open, they'll pay for it themselves. the treasury secretary tries to inflict maximum pain on the markets yesterday, spooking them with the default warning as he and the president actually trying to force a market selloff. still, we have big money stories for you to today that involve what else? technology. details on how much twitter makes, it's getting ready to go public and wait until you hear how much samsung made in just one quarter. we don't shut down for anything. "varney & company" is about to begin. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be i can tell you - safety is atr the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over a drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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>> day four of the government shutdown and the obama administration wants to make sure that you are feeling maximum pain. we're talking national parks and monuments, including the grand canyon closed for
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business. food programs for moms and kids living under the poverty line and funding for the national institutes of health all cut. even treasury secretary jack lew trying to scare into a selloff. what he said, the stock market including investment and retirement accounts could tumble and it could be more expensive for americans to buy a car, a home and open businesses. and the speaker john boehner actually showing a willingness to compromise. he says america won't default on its debt and to make sure it doesn't, he says he's willing to pass a clean bill to fund government for six months. take a look how the market reacted to lew and boehner. the beginning of the market when lew's statement came out. he said it could be worse than 2008 and then we sustained after boehner's remarks and
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limped to a close. if you listened to jack lew the night before president obama, wall street has been warned. the opening bell is next. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align.
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♪ hungry eyes
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♪ one look at you and i can't disguise i've got hungry eyes♪ >> all right, guys. no joking around. e-mack says that was in honor of me hosting the segment. it's not. that music is honor of potbelly. it was a family chain started in chicago. we'll follow the stocks when they open. those were hot. and we're one minute away from the opening bell. joining the company from chicago, scott shellady. yesterday we saw the markets dive after the secretary lew's comments and came back when boehner was talking. it looks like you're looking to d.c. for guidance these days? >> i tell you what, this is what we've been looking at. if you go back to september the 24th, it's not just lew, but hits sperling and the president. i can't believe it. they're trying to insight.
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and you don't know what is going to hit us, why would anybody do that it doesn't seem fair to us here. and we're whipped about by whoever speaks next. charles: i can hear the opening bell. >> it's not fair to anybody in the country to talk down the stock market from the highest office in the land. and the big board, indications where we're going to open higher, first tick is to the down side. we're going to nicole, facebook will start running ads on instagram. nicole: when you talk about advertising and cha-ching, means dollars. intragram ads, maybe it will roll out. up 1.1%, 49.77 right now. charles: facebook is staging a huge rebound. thanks a lot. nicole. twitter, that's the biggest tech ipo and now we know more about the company following a $1 billion ipo.
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we want to check out the revenue numbers here, twitter made nearly $314 million. last year, in the first month of this year, it's on pace to pass that, $253 million so far. jo ling kent. how big can twitter become? >> they're saying raising a billion dollars. but if you take a look at their losses, how does twitter make money? that's the number one question and they highlighted the advertising strategy in an aggressive way. charles: which is what everybody was worried about facebook. >> exactly. take a quick look at the numbers. the net loss grew 69 million dollars and that's something definitely to watch sales. and they wanted the user growth? it's slowing down, 7% growth of users between, in the second quarter. but if you compare that to 3 c1 before, that's 10 to 11% growth. >> what i don't get, too, and this is key for the stock, whether or not you want to get in. they're showing 100 million
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daily active users, i don't get that. why is it possible misreporting there? the other thing, they get a lot of the two-thirds of the revenue comes from overseas, right? from mobile ads, like three quarter of the users are overseas, i'm sorry, 25% of the revenues come from international lab. . charles: and they argue maybe that gives room for growth. and this is what i found fascinating. facebook was public, and 54% of that deal was insiders. on this, zero. do you think that twitter is trying to say we want to go public and be with you. from a pr point of view, shouldn't that help the stock? >> and twitter is a lot smaller and people feel they can buy in more. looking at the user base, 215 a month for twitter, compared to facebook, 815 million users. >> active users is 100 million.
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three quarters of the users are outside the u.s. and only a quarter of their income, advertising, i don't know how the markets are going to price this. charles: on structure, let's move on. we've got a lot of tech stuff. the next stock we want to check, a computer software company adobe. they've been hacked, 3 million customer accounts have been compromise, that's right, your credit card information has been exposed. not a big impact, unfortunately, maybe we've become used to these, down 1 is%. yes, there's a running theme i've already said on "varney & company" today. technology is big money, case in point, samsung. making 9.2 billion this quarter. that's just huge money on the low range of the estimates. we're talking gigantic money and samsung giving a legitimate run for the money across the board. >> what people are using especially in asia, samsung,
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samsung, that's where it is. the growth on 22.8% and it's massive, people are buying into it. the android systems they're using is working better i think for lot of international users, it's more seamless and the price point, that's what it comes down to. charles: the bottom line, they're making money. >> making money. there's a fear that sales will start plateauing. >> saturating the market. >> that's key for these? >> it looks like they had a miscue, that samsung watch. that thing is hideous. >> are you wearing it? >> it looks like a dora the explorer watch. listen, a bipartisan group of house lawmakers, even some democrats say they're willing to repeal the medical device tax as part of the deal that would fund the government for six months, harry reid rejected it quickly i might add, calling it an act of desperation and john boehner is considering. it seems like the republicans now, it feels like, liz, that the republicans may be winning
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the war here. >> yeah. >> with respect to compromise. >> listen, let's put it straight down both sides of the aisle. obstinatesy is not listening to you. the medical device tax, treating cat scan machine or pacemakers like alcohol or cigarettes, that's what they're treating it like on revenue, so the jobs are flying overseas, it's wrecking this innovative industry. this is a classic case of the government doing too much, rather, you know, they'd rather shut down the government than to discuss this terrible effects of this policy. charles: i've read something that literally, hundreds of thousands of deaths you can calculate from the fact that the medical device companies, they've got to make this money up somewhere and might come from r & d. less r & d means less innovation. >> and stryker and covidien laying off workers. >> and my home state of minnesota, a lot of medical devices there, that's a big
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deal. charles: that's why a lot of democrats want to get on board, even in new jersey. michelle girard is here, what kind of impact, michelle, are we talking about this shutdown having on the economy? >> you know, just like most people, our estimates are, you know, for a short-term week or two, it's not going to be so noticeable, 1/10 or 2 off gdp. the duration will ultimately affect the impact. it looks more and more if it drags past mid october we could talk something more sizable. the truth is most of it will get made up in the first quarter, but it does, i think, have implications for the fed and for the markets, and i think that's why at this point, it's hard to feel confident to say it's not going to matter. charles: we get to the october 17th debt ceiling number date and we pass it without resolution on both the things.
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there's a psychological aspect that will probably weigh heavily on the economy. >> i think that's it. and i think everybody, it's part of the problem why washington didn't feel the urgency to get this resolved. everybody at the moment kind of thinks like, oh,s this going to be a short-term thing and we've seen this before and it's not that big of a deal and the markets have been complacent about it. and so, the hit to confident confidence, to business confidence, i don't think that we've seen that yet. i tell you, as things deteriorate and as the duration is extended, i think you have to wonder about the fallout, the impact on the private sector, the impact on consumers going into the all important holiday shopping season and these are sales that may not get made up. and i don't think you can just at the moment conclude, oh, it's no big deal. it will hurt the floor and made up in the first. >> and i think we were reminded this week with a few of the economic pieces of data. it's a sluggish economy to
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begin with. and a battery build, to nicole. >> we're learning that reuters is citing people with knowledge. the suffering now is flat for tesla. tesla and samsung are working on a deal for an additional battery. a battery technology to be more specific. that will be something interesting to follow. of course, tesla had a tough week with a fire that ensued when it hit a metal object and tesla, of course spoke out. they're down for the week. they're down 8%, and this year up 415%. charles: that's not too shabby. i want to wrap up your seven until movers first. a lot are saying, hey, let's go ahead and get rid of the excise medical tax, and open table got
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an upgrade this morning over at piper jaffray and they like it a lot. oversold and the stock is looking higher. and cree has been just a whole big lot of momentum, the stock breaks out today through 74 if they can get there. and dekkers upgraded to a buy, $75 target from 66 and jane montgomery scott, indicating, but the overall market is getting back to the big board and indicating higher as well. everything is pulling back and we've seen this movie all week long. another movie we've seen all week long, the obama-- now that the g.o.p. is pouncing on it, making a video about all the problems so far, and that's a personal story. one person' story about how obamacare is hurting her wallet. might sound familiar. ♪
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and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar ls. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say?
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thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ale announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. >> time now for your morning gold report. that huge rally is evaporated which is interesting. it seems like papering probably off to the rest of the year. going back to the support area, 1314 an ounce. time now for your money in 30 seconds. three new polls for you from fox. 49ers p-of voters disapprove of president obama's job performance and 40% aboard of. 54% of americans want to see all or part of the health law repealed and maybe house republicans are on to something after all. what could be the reason they want the law to go away. 76% of them say they're actually happy with their current health coverage. much more on obamacare later in
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the hour. now, the obamacare exchanges are already plagued with all kind of glitches, not many people signing up and the g.o.p. is using the problems to take advantage, take a look at this. >> i keep getting this error page, well, let me progress past and hit a roadblock on the wekz. >> don't have to take my word for it, go on the website. >> websites have been experiencing technical glitches. >> please wait. charles: the congressman is here and you have a sorry story of one of your constituents forced to pay much more for health care because of the law. >> not unwith, many of them. they're getting notices as obamacare is going forward. an um into of folks have seen their premiums literally triple and others are seeing their health plans being dropped either by their employer or by their insurance carrier, these are the health plans they like. and they were promised they could keep and still more are seeing their hours cut back at
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work, some are actually losing their jobs. charles: but there's one particular story that really, you know, we talked about a lot in a morning meeting because everyone said, wow. the woman who her husband has coverage and she's losing like 22% of her income. i mean, how does that happen? >> she actually works at a hospital. she has insurance coverage though through her husband. but she was just informed that she is going to take a 23% cut in her salary, that's $22,000 which she says is going to be devastating since she's the principal earner, because they can no longer piggyback her on to other husband's policy. they have to show a separate policy for her. she says, look, i'll pay the $2,000 fine just don't cut my salary. and they said, well, unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. charles: wow. >> by the way, she says she voted for obama. she supported the aca, 100%, she says. >> right.
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>> and now she's dealing with this and her term is, it's outrageous. charles: one of the things, if you go outside right now and told everyone, would you afford, would you support the affordable health care act, they say say absolutely no-brainer. would you support something that would knock 22% off your annual income no one would be okay with that. speaking of which, california first we heard 5 million people went to the website and now 600,000. to me the more important thing, how many people are buying into it and taking the bait? do you know how many people signed up so far in your state? >> yeah, i'm told 645,000 people showed up at the website to purchase insurance, they only sold 7700 policies. that's just a little over 1%. now, think about this. if you're the only shop in town and by the way, you have a gun, people are forced now to buy this insurance. they show up at your shop and 99% of them go away without buying anything, that tells you an awful lot about how they're viewing this as a deal.
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so far this has been, up until now it's been a theoretical discussion about something in the instant future, now it's real, it's very personal, and i think that we're going to see what support remains for obamacare dropping very rapidly as people come face-to-face with the reality of obamacare. charles: you know, i think that another reality, people may start to realize it's just over the last 24, 48 hours, john boehner, i think he's sort of reclaimed his leadership role, to be quite frank with you, the house coming through with all kinds of things, you're going to, said being okay, we'll fund the medical trials at national institutes of health. make sure the veterans don't have to suffer, open the national parks, the national guard and reserves, we'll get them active and all of these things were rejected. what's going on here? how does-- how does the other side say no to all of those things? >> well, there's a basic malfunction that suddenly occurred in the process. think about it, we have a legislative system with two
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houses, designed to disagree and yet, they've got to come up with the same language to get something done. how does it happen? once the house and senate each exercised their independent judgment. they're supposed to come together, isolate their differences and work them out through negotiation and compromise. without that the system cannot work and it's that crucial process that harry reid is refusing to be a part of. and as long as he does that, we're doomed to gridlock. charles: i've got to tell you, compromise, i'm still waiting for compromise. i haven't heard it. i've seen the republicans step up to the plate and i think they mishandled it initially with some of the things they wanted, but it feels like the ball is squarely in the president's court and i hope they resolve this one. thank you for taking the time. >> my pleasure. charles: no surprise here,
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president obama a big supporter of organized labor, the unions, but did he make an anti-union comment? we're going to talk about this after the break. take a listen. >> i want to get something, but i don't know, i don't know exactly what i'm going to get, but i just got to stop working till i get things.
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>> he may be a great communicator, but another failed analogy by the president. instead of comparing obamacare to apple he's comparing the shutdown to an unhappy work employee. take a listen to this. >> if you're working here and in the middle of the day you stopped and said, you know what? i want to get something, but i don't know -- i don't know exactly what i'm going to get, but i am going to stop working, shut down the whole plant until i get something. you'd get fired. charles: well, you know, fox news anchor brit hume, tweeted his response to what the president said immediately. he says what does he think a strike is? oh, how fitting. liz, the president is always backing strikes, at least he used to. >> yes, that's exactly right.
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and i'm going to govern and negotiate only if i get my way. and the other thing, too, that we're seeing, this is about a crisis about how we govern. it is a crisis of leadership. and by the way, the whole strategy about, you know, let's tank the market to scare the g.o.p. market's not rattled. the market is trading flat and by the way, if there was a fear that we would have a crisis in the physical cliff, we don't want to see cliff hangers, we don't like the debt fight. we don't want that to happen and the u.s. would likely not default, but we shouldn't be anywhere near talking about that. the bond market would have been reacting right now. the 10-year note though is trending downward since early september. you would expect the 10-year note to be ripping higher, but it's the know. it's sticking around 2.6% right now. >> and there have been serious efforts by the administration to tank the market and you know some employer down the road is going to use that obama clip the next time the workers threaten a strike, particularly if they're backed by the president. thanks, e-mack.
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>> maximum pain, the theme of the day. the president and jack lew trying to spook the markets. joining us monica crowley is going to joining us for the entire 10:00 hour. she's going to have something to say about that. plus, the state of arizona wants to pay to keep the grand canyon open. they'll say hey, we'll pay for it. the government says, no way. a democrat is going to defend maximum pain coming up next. ♪ when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love?
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♪ in the 4 government shutdown day 4. john boehner try to compromise, harry reid won't budge and the obama administration is using maximum pain to prove its point. the grand canyon shutdown. to even do that was possible? we are talking the grand canyon and the fed won't let the state of arizona -- they want to give themselves to keep it open. monica crowley will weigh in on that. the jobs report today, there's no jobs report today. former labor officials said the report could have been put up there before the shutdown. we will talk about that. using the centers for disease control saying the shutdown will unleash infectious disease because that is what they do, wait for shutdowns and play your country. your tablet, giving bad posture.
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dr. siegel is here and i will carry the torch again this time try and kill me, we find nfl picks against an american. get ready. we got to check the big board, it is vacillating. liz macdonald makes the point that the white house is resisting calls and it is up 27 points. not a run away but not down. we are talking maximum pain. the shutdown edition. everything from the grand canyon to national parks to the labor department to the center for disease control the obama administration want to make sure you feel the effects of the shutdown as much as possible. house republicans have tried to pass stop-gap bills to keep all this stuff funded. we are talking national parks, veterans services, food programs for mothers and kids love and under the poverty line and
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democrats should all these funding bills down. the administration, we saw this with sequestration tries to inflict maximum pain. >> the shutdown white house tours and little kids would be up against the white house fence like this. they want that vision so there is political pressure through the media on republicans to cave in. in this case the republicans in the house have been passing smaller spending bills to fund veterans, the parks, people with cancer can get their care and the democrats in the senate and obama say no. charles: how does -- how do democrats, democratic lawmakers, the president wanting to do it piecemeal, how do you get away with that? one day you are saying the gop is hurting women and kids without money carting people with cancer and the next day you defeat those bills? >> remember when the democrats tried to claim the republicans
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were the party of no? the republicans were the party of stop. what is happening now is the democrats got a party of no. in the 1995 shutdown bill clinton signed into law some smaller spending bills for essentials services like veterans, the military. in this case the obama and harry reid and the democrats won't do that so you have a situation where the american people looking at this and starting to figure out the democrats know that obamacare cannot stand on its own. charles: people would like to see it delayed for a year. >> this is why the democrats are doing what they are doing. they can't stand alone, don't want to face the american people on obamacare loans so they have to bury it in government spending which is why they're going for one monsters bill rather than saying do with the republicans want and sign it into law. charles: democrats have once again overplayed their hand. we will see how it works out. let's bring in a democrat,
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richard fowler, host of the richard fowler showed to weigh in on this. i want you to defend what we are calling maximum pain. is there any other way to describe what we are talking about? >> thanks for having me. the maximum pain being inflicted by those on the right on this one and let me tell you why. the affordable care act went into existence, the exchange part, tuesday. 2.8 million people log on to the web site to get health care they desperately needed. people are getting health-care and -- charles: how many people have gone to this site successfully and actually taken the bait? less than 1%. that is real bad. that is heartbreaking. i am on your side. we have got to do a better job selling this but i want to talk about some other things. when the republicans say
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american public, we have to watch the network our issues out in washington but we would like to keep open medical trials that the national institutes of health and make sure veterans get their benefits and make sure the national parks are open. how can a democrat say no to those things? >> they haven't said no. they have been clear if we pass it, all those will be open. let's be very clear here, you have got to admit because of ted cruz and his buddies we are in the situation to begin with. usually when we see a government shutdown is the result of dealing with numbers, your numbers here, my numbers there. this government shutdown was based on trying to repeal a law they tried to repeal 41 times and couldn't do it. the american people are suffering. it before the eighteenth that down in american history. if you are talking -- a lot of people think obamacare is the central issue for the future that will be the thing that wrecks the american economy so you have to make a stand now.
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>> every democratic president since roosevelt has tried to fix the health care system and this president managed to do it and he won't repeat it, there are not the votes to get it done. this shutdown is the republican party going down a 1-way street that is that did end and driven themselves off a cliff and they want to open the programs that are popular to the american people to make themselves feel better. charles: they want to open them up, and they have been rejected. in less than 24 hours president obama and secretary jack lew, the treasury secretary made some comments in an effort in my mind too spooked the stock market, decide to shut down the government, the debt ceiling, how do you defend the president of the united states trying to incite a stock-market crash? >> the president of the united states is not trying to incite a stock market crash. you are talking about the treasury report indicates if and when we decided to not raise the
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debt ceiling if that is what john maynard decides to go even though the speaker said he will not make as default on our debt it will result in net 2008 type of recession. that is what the numbers say ended is a projection on numbers here. charles: president obama in the day before had all the wall street executives in and get a couple interviews and was pretty clear about trying to say the stock market should be reacting a lot more harshly to what is happening and it seems to me the wish would be the stock market goes down a lot more. take a look at the jack lew report, it is to meet right with mistakes and errors. only a short period of time, how do you see this concluding? >> i think we go to october 17th and the republicans hopefully get their act together or john boehner concedes the floor to nancy pelosi. and have enough votes for a lot of -- a lot of moderate republicans and democrats are
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willing to do. charles: 57 democrats voted for these bills that were shot down by harry reid to open up the parts and help cancer victims. congratulations on your new radio show. see you soon. got to get back to nicole petallides, st. jude medical hitting a new high. nicole: in an all-time high, 2.3%. st. jude has a 19% stake in cardio and ems. they have a device for heart failure detection and the new analysis, the new studies have fda approval, if that is the case it could rise, st. jude holds 19% but has an option to buy the farm. in 2011 the findings were biased but with new analysis and studies the fda may approve
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this. charles: obviously it is pretty good so thanks for bringing it to us. we are constantly hearing warnings about fracking and howard. ground water. they have been using a town in wyoming as a rallying cry. now the epa without a peep actually close the investigation on a possible ground water contamination, what is the deal? we don't hear anything about this. this was the epicenter, proof positive that how it destroys ground water. >> environmentalists were all over this, the federal government was all over it and we about to see what the results of analysis before we get a green light and it has gotten very little coverage in terms of the fact this investigation has gone nowhere. the argument against fracking from the environmentalist point of view is it could contaminate groundwater. there hasn't been a serious and will study that has shown that to be the case. is not happening in pennsylvania. is happening across the midwest. it should go forward across every state that has these
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resources because we were to do that we could be energy independence in the space of a year or two. charles: pennsylvania billions of dollars of tax revenue, hundreds of thousands of jobs, an economic miracle, north dakota unemployment may be under 3%, half of the jobs created during this administration have come from north dakota and texas and half of the jobs created, that is all fracking. >> it is amazing and governor andrew cuomo has been waiting for environmental impact studies. now what we see -- everywhere else -- charles: is he really waiting for environmental impact studies are just buying time? >> he has pressure on the left not to go forward with it but the keystone pipeline, if we were to build that we could be energy independence within a year or two. charles: then where would they get their funding? got to go back to nicole petallides, another stock in getting a high, did a report this morning? >> nothing like an all-time
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high. it is up 2.5% and to date you have stifle nicholas raising their price target with a buy rating, yesterday another analyst saying much of the same so they are loving what they are seeing with constellation. charles: if you are in a stock you have got to be loving it. as technology ruining your posture? sounds like a late-night commercial, giving you that hunchback look. it is a big problem and dr. mark siegel is next and also going to weigh in on maximum pain for the centers for disease control, the shutdown caused arise in infectious disease. that is next.
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thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behin.. delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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charles: breaking news, check out potbelly, the big ipo that started trading up 120%, huge, $30.90. how is this for some brutal honesty? the owner of a heart attack
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drill letting everyone know his food will kill you. he did an interview where he said americans need to take more responsibility for their choices in what the ecb to. even called out other fast-food executives for not telling the truth about their food. now it is time to make money. its stock i happen to like a lot, talk about networking stocks all the time, 21 was a huge resistance point, twenty-six dollars, like the stock a lot and think it is oversold. let's shift gears. someone said this should be called? >> i want to comment on a heart attack. heart attack girl, hearted that girl, you go to some of these places pretending to serve you salad. you know when you get? charles: here is the introduction. the dock is here. >> had to furlough 8,000 workers and yesterday it they're talking about microbes and other threats from the shutdown, it will be
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less safe and my first reaction was i know these viruses are smart but i didn't know they hide out and tilt the government shutdown to attack us. charles: it is far fetched wide shutdown central parts of it? >> let me talk about it this way. i actually put out tweets and i'd tell you the cdc has been very involved with fighting resistant bacteria. there are crucial force, and i want to say something political. we have been targeting one senator for saying he doesn't care about one cancer patient but i also think there is an issue of what is happening to clinical care. charles: we will float around all over the place. the center for disease control, do you foresee a government shutdown sparking the next played in the country? >> no. >> government should be about setting priorities so when something like this happens you got to look at setting
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priorities. military is one, the cdc is something else. we discovered 93% of the epa is non-essential. 94% of the department of education is non-essential. set those folks a side so you can run the cdc and the military. charles: could not agree more. the cdc has always been the poor stepchild of the government. they never get enough credit, never get enough hasselbeck but here they are dealing with infections. you are absolutely right. they should be front and center. charles: may be the head of the cdc should have been calling the white house instead of sending these tweets. no one disagrees, if there is something that could harm us medically then keep it open, 97% of the national labor relations board nonessential, great. there may be part of a government that should be open. >> to your point i don't see a major plague coming down the pike as a result of this.
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this is just about out inefficiency and government especially this government when you can't even get on line to go to the daily stages. charles: only three used to get ready for this and was a lot of people. ask twitter. talking about technology for a moment is it giving us bad posture? and new survey says all these gadgets from smart phones to tablets are causing you to sort of hung over and giving you back in. what is your reaction? >> i call this pain and company. 84% of the team to 24-year-olds are developing back pain, how they have been raised. ipads, iphones, facebook, constantly slouched over something. we were not intended to live like that. when you slouch over or even when you said you are putting a lot of stress on the spot and
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eventually you are going to get back pain from that because it is a very tight compartments of muscles, nerves and bone. you are supposed to be stretched out. you are supposed to be limber. charles: i don't use -- i am not tech person but i see this all the time, people are hunched over everywhere you go. walking down the street into traffic, security guards, this is an epidemic and maybe that is another thing that is going to happen somewhere down the line. a nation of people with bad backs. >> we are there. unnecessary surgeries. how many days lost from work? you get intractable pain, you need to be in bed and don't come to work. if i am google glass i am starting to think have to hand over, stand up straight, for get back pain and stay on the internet. charles: i am thinking of marketing angles for this. what is the deal with those?
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those are great. who wants to work in an office? you don't want to see me in my gym clothes. they look cool but a treadmill and a desk at one point how do you reconcile that in the workplace? >> bottle of water. i love the idea. you have a shower on the we >> the secretary of defense stood at his desk and paced back and forth. charles: standing at your desk. i think it is brilliant. ernest hemingway wrote his novels and a. charles: he spent rest of the night lying down. we will talk more later. you know it is friday, that means one thing. nfl weekend. i am going to challenge brian kill lead, i am of football fan, not not soccer fan. i will give brian are run for his money. >> this superbowl, the only thing i will project because it
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will be in new york and we have seats on the 50 yard line. your money, your willingness to buy those tickets is tremendous. [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blobs metamucil. and this pk is the inside ofour body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling hes to lower some cholesterol. metacil.
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3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. metacil. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... toe this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrft. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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charles: marking that the big
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board, the dow up 35 points. let's check potbelly. and 120%. president obama and jack lew, they are worrying about the market and the economic impact of the shutdown of the debt ceiling and wishful thinking, maybe trying to make this a reality pushing the market lower. >> which i found particularly despicable. there are legitimate warnings you can issue when you are president of the united states in a situation like this and republicans are on the other side. what he did and what jack lew did cross the line, essentially trying to will the stock market into a -- overall economic collapse. charles: a lot of holes in it. and the nfl, it is my turn to go
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up against brian killneed. he joins us live on the radio. what do you got? >> it is and the against charles payne. let me go. q the music. let's talk football. keeps and fines. and 3-1, and for the first time in ten years and go for the first five-zero start, in ten years in the point and the second game i'm looking at is giant over the eagles, the giants especially when wes. i am stunned by that. take the giants over the eagles without three and the bengals hostels or about the loss to the browns the stunned them. and they are undefeated this
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year. charles: i can see the end of psychology has impacted, don't just take low hanging fruit this time but you grew up air. >> can you say that? charles: i don't know. i am praying you can set on cable-tv but you not taking the easy ride out. >> with that ups you convicted jaguars and still have some courage to grow later. charles: let me give you my picks with the points. i think we houston texans who don't know how to win but they know how to compete are going to win and cover the points to san francisco. seattle is the most complete team in football. finally with the denver broncos bacon double the point spread and still beat the cowboys. >> hard to imagine. denver is an easy one. the other two are extremely tough and i will say this. i'm impressed with seattle. they added that half and came back and won the game begins an end. this is one of the years in
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football when you have really bad teams and you have really good teams. the biggest disappointment for the giants has to be the 49 years, the team working against this week. charles: everyone figured out how to contain the quarterback and they don't have any other weapons. maybe too early but coach of the year, andy reid. easy, no question. >> which one? charles: the lie. >> endeavour no. he has been unbelievable, he is going to plan a three or four years despite the fusion in the back of his neck. charles: this was a fine segment, thanks a lot. >> what do i do with the extra time? charles: i don't know. learn how to pick football. >> stuart is lucky that you filling in. thanks. charles: it is the most important economic report we get. i am talking the jobs report. we couldn't get the labor department to get its act together and put it out this
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morning. couldn't they have done it? shouldn't they have done this before the shutdown? we have a labor department insider with the answer next. what [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align.
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♪ ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the ecomy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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charles: new york's most famous concert hall carnegie hall forced to shut down a season-opening concert. why? the union's. stagehand's went on strike, they want more control over carnegie's education wing. it is one of $400,000 a year. >> my first question is they are unionized so this is another move by another union to exert control. charles: as the president would say isn't it messed up that one small part of the company would shed down the most impressive venue in the world to perform, the first opening act, how dare they? it is called a strike. 400 rand is not bad. i know there is new york city and we pay $8 for a sandwich. thanks a lot. now to the jobs report that was
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supposed to be released today. the labor department said they can't do it. the government shutdown but could they have done it. we knew it was coming. couldn't these guys have burned the midnight oil last weekend or the week before to get this work done? the labor department's chief of staff paul conway is here. is this another example of maximum pain? >> i think it is. in this particular instance with the bureau of labor statistics there is past president, facing a similar situation, and making appeals to get the consumer price index data put out and they were authorized to take additional staff to get the report out. what is interesting is most of the data for the jobs report would have been in the department of labor and they could have done an expedited release, their own internal documents show they were
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anticipating some type of contingency in asking for the latitude to do that. charles: you brought up the president's budgetsmaking department and it reminds me of the report we saw yesterday. from secretary jack lew saying we are going through to shutdown, possible not coming up with the budget ceiling deal could create 2008 kind of scenario. i know he is part of president obama's team, when you were in government, not going to cross even if it means my job. felt like he crossed a line with that. >> you have your own internal compass but also the good fortune to work for great people. george bush and secretary chow and weather, this was was we are here to serve the american people, there's a political campaign, and getting the agenda done for the people.
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it is the executive branch of government 10 details matter. on september 10th, they put together a memorandum saying this is what we need to get our job done and timing is important. if there is the principal federal indicator released we will anticipate what staff is needed for that. solicitor of labor signed off on their contingency plan on september 16th, send it to the deputy secretary of labor september 25th and that has been in the hands of the secretary of labor on september 25th, they knew they had the ability to do this and somewhere in the mix of political appointee the budget office and the white house, there is a decision not to do the jobs report today. at a certain point you serve the public and the people in give you have the latitude to and based on subjective judgment to do the right thing you should do the right thing. >> this is monica crowley. talking about the politics of
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all of this and the point i made was government should be about setting priorities and you would think the jobs report would be a priority so they are withholding this to make a political point. the bigger question is could it have been the jobs report was so anemic like previous one that they didn't actually want the data released? >> if you look at last month's report there was a correction the preceding two months. there are people dropping out of the work force. the timing was important. and young americans 18-29 are forced to pay for president obama's health-care plan the unemployment is 16.1% i doubt it would have improved this month. charles: their participation rate is the most alarming crisis going on in this country that no one is talking about. i have been focused on it. we went from 62% in 1978 to 35%
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and then an epidemic and your point of these kids are not going to carry the load for obamacare. lot of people curious, what happens now? let's just assume october 17th something happens, will we get two reports in one day? will they wait? how does it play out from here? >> it is yet to be seen. the data is in. survey data would have come in last month. there was probably some analysis, doesn't take long to turn it out and expedite. should be released, not certain where they will go but the other thing to keep in mind is thi an important report because you have the federal reserve meeting later on this month and when we're taking a look at billions of dollars they are buying on bonds this is one of the points that informs the decision for the federal reserve and i don't think that to be missed by people. this is an important duty of government. charles: in fact the wall street question about capering, this meeting with the fed will be the last time they can do it this year to your point.
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as usual very informative, we appreciate it, have a good weekend. the ongoing theme is always about tech and big money makers. case in point we are talking twitter and samsung and also talking billions of dollars and wait until you see the big push at samsung for its next, that is right, the next -- inng, applaus] five tech stocks with more than a 10%... change in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap... of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade. see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare,
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i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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charles: more fallout from the shutdown. president obama canceled his trip to asia which have already been shortened because of the budget impasse. the president will attend two economic summits plant in malaysia and the philippines, they were called off earlier this week. if you bought a new iphone recently you may not like this story. best by cutting the price for the iphone 5 c by 50%. it is only for this weekend, also offering the deal on samsung's galaxy smart phone as well. hackers broke into the adobe computer system, the whole networking thing taking customer data and software codes could be used to launch attacks so be careful, 2.9 million customers have been impacted, credit cards, did card numbers all taken. twitter and samsung billions of dollars. what do they have a perceive? we have the answer next. ca ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep.
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[announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. now sleep cooler with extra cooling comfort on our bestselling tempur-breeze beds. visit to learn more, and find a retailer near you. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there ar24/7.branches? i'm sorry, i'just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum!
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(cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. charles: the stock named in honor, pot belly having a huge sale. nicole: you are cute. look what is going on here with potbelly. 134% to the upside, same price to the up side over $100 million ipo, it opened this morning obviously with much hoopla and fanfare. given the 100% rally, it debuted in june has been doing well so watch these other names, jumped
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33% on its first day. remember that. chipotle is up 64% and 43% year to date. food stocks and i peers. charles: they love beating but i'd tell you also go to our dna as a country. we developed these countries. when they opened the first potbelly in chicago years ago no one thought this would open up and be up 135% in one day. it can be done. the only thing i don't like is the symbol. i wish they were more imaginative. nicole: our producer said the same thing. hot would have been good. charles: thanks a lot. now it is time to update making money. oil is an idea i gave you last month but also this summer. i should have gotten to this earlier in the day because a big pop up of news, and alert to take profits on it. still up about 90%.
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you might be break even from the update last month. big news from the world of tech. twitter, the idea will be $1 billion ipo, and science and technology editor joining us now. your first impression of what you have heard? >> this is a company that does something no other company does. no one else has done anything in this case. we have facebook and linkedin and other social network companies but no one else has this small messaging things the way they do. everyone has to be on twitter. if you are looking at this as a technology company it is unique and special and has a lot of value. charles: some people looking at initial data, some things are slowing down. what would be the cause? maybe it is unique in what it does but in the social sphere, the whole spirit of other things coming up and people lose their attention. i will stop doing that. >> when it comes to business and making money is the same thing,
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questioning are these guys going to make any profit. twitter has a problem making money but they're getting better at it and facebook has problems at first making a lot of money and you see them reflecting stock. >> social media sites monetize and how they make money, talking about adds, promoted tweets and so on but now they are talking about mobile devices. it has got to be mobile and that is the platform for twitter as well. >> it will come down to are you really frustrated and annoyed when you see these ads populating your twitter feed. it is frustrating but that is how they make money. they have got to do it. charles: i like the insiders are not selling any stock. all want you to take a look at this. another record for samsung, $9.2 billion for the quarterly profits. you see this huge ad with the new tablet and smart phone. >> galaxy gear, the smart watch.
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charles: let's start with that. i heard a scathing -- critique of it but you think it is the next big thing. >> mar watches are the next big thing and samsung is the first to get in and others have been in the past, sony had been for a while but this is one of the first that does a lot really well. it is not fantastic. it is locked into something i thought was terrible. charles: i am looking at the critique on the watch and is looking clumsy and start me off with the digital watch and wait for the second or third generation and this one. >> that will happen. the second generation will be better in the third better than that and the year down the road we will be talking about the samsung year 3 or four and will look like an ordinary watch. getting in the ground floor now, it will be another big profit sector. >> not so much a watch like this, not just jewelry. this is wearable technology so
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you don't have to like this. this is the blackberry. don't yell at me. you don't have to like this, you can wear your tech. >> it is a powerful computer tucked into this tiny slim thing and someday there will have but curved screen across your wrist and able splintered down and you can talk to this one at present but they will improve on that technology. it has a lot of stuff going for it. charles: who has the best going? samsung or apple? >> samsung has incredible mojo going for them. apple, people still love apple, talking about the phone, the price cut, the other one has been selling gangbusters in spite of these little issues that keep coming out, software needs to be updated, people complain about another software issue. apple still has something going for it. they are powerful company that does a lot of fantastic innovation. charles: to me it feels like samsung has a little more mojo going for it. >> as a business it is a
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fantastic model. they make all the parts that go into everything. charles: thanks a lot. you always keep a straight. sooner or later i will be like you. a tablet looks really nice. you might like this one. 6 sales. don't know if you knew that not. if you want proof look at rihanna's new video. five million youtube hits in the first day. stick around, coming up next. [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil.
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and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber.
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lou: coming up on lou dobbs tonight president obama warning of economic catastrophe, former office of management director david stockman and doc hastings join us to talk about the politics of a shutdown. tonight at 7:00 eastern. charles: gerri willis wrapping up her specials series a user's guide to obamacare. on the willis report. let's talk about this. you had a huge impact, huge numbers, people want to know what is going on with obamacare. gerri: they're tired of the spin and want to know what is going on. i will tell you right now what is going on with sign ups and people going to these websites because we're told some numbers
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that are not true, the administration saying we have 4.7 million visitors to but when you dig into this is not what it seems. california said we had five million visitors, turned out is only 645,000. new york thought they had ten million visitors, there are only twenty million people in the state. only 44,000. charles: people moving to new york to check out of time. gerri: only 44,000 people. charles: 44,000. gerri: that is what the state says. charles: you mentioned enrollments. after we get through the tape, who visited and when it crashed and the whole thing, are people taking the bait? they are not taking the bait? gerri: it is unbelievable. north carolina blue cross blue shield signed up 1 person. the best performing state, kentucky, 3,000 people, that is the question can you actually and roll? so people visit a web site but do you and roll?
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that is the question. we will be talking about what are your questions? i am getting questions on twitter and my e-mail in box every day. we will have experts on hand to answer your questions. charles: i encourage everyone not to miss this. got to watch the willis report denied its:00 eastern time. this has been the most informative program you have run this weekend people need it. thanks a lot. rihanna's new video. call it pork fast. it just proves sex cells. we have five million youtube hits on this one. a little better than we will talk about it next. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much
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is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap
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and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. ♪ charles: rihanna was new video made it debut yesterday.
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it got 8 million views on youtube. >> i like her music a lot. sex does sell. britney spears has a new video out this week. she released her video which is not quite as risqué as rihanna. i think the signal to young girls -- charles: there is not much further you can go without it being straight up pornography. the big story today is obamacare. in the last hour, we asked a congressman how many people have signed up for the program in california. the answer, overwhelming.
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>> 6000 people showed up. we only sold 77 policies. 1%. they put so many eggs in this basket. this is it. ground zero for obamacare to work. >> how many of those enrolled these young kids. charles: not one person looked like they were under 25 to me. >> the administration is doubling down on the world war ii memorial. they are halting nfl and baseball coverage to our troops
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under cease. we all understand making a political point, but using these guys as pawns is disgusting. charles: bad optics. connell will take it from us here. connell: it is great to see you, as always. have a great weekend. get ready to see a whole lot of this guide over the weekend. jack lew will go to all the other major networks. he has a message. get a solution for the debt ceiling and get it now. we will be talking twitter ipo throughout the day. a prime target for criminals. the government shutdown. day four of the government


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